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Couples Reconciliation Therapy

Separation doesn't have to mean the end.

It's exhausting to repeat the same old conflict cycles. It's time to break the rollercoaster pattern of hurt and reconciliation. Create a safe, satisfying, and trusting relationship that will last.

Did you know that a significant number of couples get divorced, then reconcile? No one tracks how many unmarried couples break up and get back together, but the number is even higher.
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Ready to get started? Schedule a FREE 15-minute Phone Consultation.

You're separated because you couldn't take it anymore.

The BS was too much to take for even One More Second. You couldn’t see another way out. You were tired of the same old disappointments.
Cheri Timko - Couples Counseling Center: Reconciliation Therapy for Separated Couples
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Ending the relationship broke your heart...but it felt like you had no other choice.

From the beginning, you really believed that the two of you could be great together. You never imagined that you would end up separated. But–

Now that you've gotten some distance from the situation... There's a strong magnetic force that brings you back together again.

Now that the dust has started to settle, you wonder if you were too hasty. You couldn’t go on the way you were, but was the relationship really unsalvageable? You wonder:
You don’t want to go back to the same relationship you had before. If you are going to “try again,” you need to be certain that you won’t settle for the same problems that you had before.
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Ready to get to work? Schedule a Free Phone Consultation today.

In your heart, you believe that you can be good together. You want marriage 2.0.

You’d be willing to try again if you could be certain that things will be different. You need reassurance that you’ve both grown and can handle the relationship better. You need to be smarter this time.
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If you're ready for a new relationship, schedule a Free Phone Consultation to learn how Couples Reconcilliation Therapy can help.

You want a new relationship. You need a new plan.

There is help. Couples Reconciliation Therapy will help you create a path to hope.
Together, we will:
  • assess the strengths and challenges in the relationship.
  • create a roadmap of relationship work for “before reconciliation” and “after reconciliation.”  The work doesn’t end when you move back in together.
  • implement the steps to rebuild your “second marriage” with your first spouse.  We’ll brainstorm and troubleshoot each step. You will be clear on what you need to finish before moving onto the next step.
  • confront and repair the issues that tore you apart so you won’t repeat them in the future.
  • learn the missing skills to:
    • effectively talk about your different needs. 
    • creatively solve problems to find win-win solutions. 
    • repair old relationship injuries.
    • make relationship agreements that keep you both safe.

If you're going to "try again," you need to do it right. It's time to break the old cycles and create a new, healthier relationship.

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Ready to get started? Schedule a FREE 15-minute Phone Consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do we get started?

1. Schedule a Free Phone Consultation.  After scheduling, watch for a confirmation email.  It directs you to the Pre-Call Questionnaire. Attend the call as a couple or one of you can learn all the details.  During the call, ask any questions that you have and learn more about how Couples Reconciliation Therapy can help you.  If it’s what you need, we’ll schedule your first appointment while we’re on the phone.
2. Before the initial appointment, sign the consent documents which give permission for your therapist to work with you.
3. Complete the 3-session Couples Relationship Checkup
4. Set goals that fit your situation.

What if my partner doesn't want to participate?

Reconciliation Counseling only works if both partners want to “try again.” Without commitment from each partner, you can’t create something new.  Without your partner, you’ll get better results from Individual Relationship Counseling instead.

How can I know if Reconciliation Counseling will work for us?

Start with a Couples Relationship Checkup.  It will help you understand what needs to change to have a different relationship.  During the Checkup wrap-up, you will have enough information to make an educated decision about the future of this relationship.

I'm still so angry. Can I still do Reconciliation Counseling or do I have to forgive first?

You are hanging on to anger to avoid getting hurt again. You can start the work of Reconciliation Counseling when you are still angry. The work of re-establishing boundaries, changing behaviors, and making repairs will make it easier to let go of the anger.

My partner had an affair. Will this process help us rebuild after an affair?

Yes. Many couples separate after learning of an affair. After the dust settles, they re-evaluate whether the relationship is worth saving. After experiencing an affair, whether you separate or not, you MUST create a new relationship agreements.

Getting back together, we want a totally different relationship. Can this process help us change the rules?

This is exactly the process you need to change the structure. Reconciliation Counseling helps you re-examine all parts of the relationship. Additionally, it works well for developing non-traditional relationships including open, non-monogamous, and poly structures.

Get started today! Schedule a FREE 15-minute Phone Consultation to get answers to all your questions.

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