Couples Sex Therapy
Problems with sex and intimacy can feel bigger than other relationship problems.
Couples Sex Therapy will help you reclaim the physical closeness you long for. You'll discover how to bridge the gaps between you to have a satisfying, fulfilling relationship.
Ready to get started? Schedule a FREE 15-minute Phone Consultation.
Intimacy in your relationship isn't what you expected it to be.
- You thought you were on the same page before you got married or committed.
- The excitement died down when you expected it would heat up.
- You're tired of feeling rejected.
- Sex isn't as satisfying it could be.
- Your partner isn't very sensitive to your needs.
When you try to talk about the problems, you both feel worse.
- It's too embarrassing to talk about.
- Your partner avoids the discussion.
- You feel like your partner blames you for being "defective."
- You end up feeling rejected and worthless.
- Discussing it makes you feel angry, resentful, and alone.
- You make a plan but don't follow through.
- Things get better for a short time but fall right back into old patterns.
Are you tired of struggling with this problem alone? Schedule a FREE Phone Consultation to learn how Couples Sex Therapy can help.
The consequences of not fixing your intimacy issues are more troubling than other problems.
- Damages your self-esteem.
- Makes you wonder if you are still attractive.
- Worries you about the future of your relationship.
- Makes you worry if you can trust your partner's faithfulness.
The passion may have died down for reasons that make sense.
- You and your partner may have different needs for affection and intimacy.
- Things changed after you made a commitment to the relationship.
- The transition to parenthood affected each of you differently.
- A health problem created barriers to "the way you used to do it."
- Over the years, your body has changed in ways that changed your sexuality.
- Relationship problems have killed the "in love" feeling.
Ready to get to work? Schedule a Free 15-minute Phone Consultation today.
Whether you understand why it's happening or not, you still need the problem fixed.
Let me clear up some myths and misconceptions.
- No one gets to define what your sex life “should” look like except you and your partner(s).
- All couples have desire discrepancy at some point in their relationship. You are two separate people. You’re not supposed to be in complete agreement about everything all the time.
- Couples in long-term relationships go through many seasons. During each, you need to renegotiate the relationship including affection, intimacy, and sex. For many couples, this leads to more arguing and disconnection. This is normal.
- As you work through obstacles, your relationship will transform and grow. Couples fall in love again and again throughout their relationship. Each new stage brings opportunities to grow closer.
- Spontaneous sex only happens in the movies. Real life sex requires some planning and build-up.
Conversations are the best way to move through these renegotiations.
- Maybe you never explicitly negotiated intimacy to begin with.
- These conversations feel awkward, vulnerable, and embarrassing.
- You may have learned that affection, intimacy, and sex should happen spontaneously.
- It's easy to feel hurt or criticized by honest feedback.
- The tension can lead to arguments or feeling rejected or shutdown.
- You have the same conversation over and over again. Problems are 1) dismissed, 2) brushed off, or 3) promises only last a short time.
The way out of this painful mess is to work with a Couples Sex Therapist.
- ensure emotional safety.
- help you negotiate so both of your needs get met.
- recognize and support you when the conversation gets off track.
- teach new options and relationship skills.
- support positive changes.
- be a neutral third party.
- help you heal old relationship injuries that get in the way of intimacy.
Ready to get to work? Schedule a Free 15-minute Phone Consultation today.
If you could have fixed these problems on your own, you already would have.
Schedule a FREE Phone Consultation to learn how Couples Sex Therapy can help.
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens in Couples Sex Therapy? Will I have to do anything I'm uncomfortable with?
Will you make me feel guilty for not having sex with my partner?
I don't want "duty sex" or my spouse to "take one for the team." How can therapy help turn someone on who is turned off?
I feel terrible about my body. I don't know how to allow myself to feel again.
What if my partner never wants to have sex again?
I get so embarrassed when we talk about sex. I'm afraid it will be worse with another person there.
Do we need to be married to go to Couples Sex Therapy?
What if my partner doesn't want to participate?
Usually there is one partner who is more reluctant to get help. Sometimes, they are willing to do a Couples Relationship Checkup because it’s limited to three sessions. If they are absolutely against participating, consider Individual Relationship Counseling instead.
How do we get started?
1. Schedule a FREE Phone Consultation. After scheduling, watch for a confirmation email. It directs you to the Pre-Call Questionnaire. Attend the call as a couple or one of you can learn all the details. During the call, ask any questions that you have and learn more about how Couples Sex Therapy can help you. If Therapy is what you need, we’ll schedule your first appointment while we’re on the phone.
2. Before the first initial therapy appointment, sign the consent documents which give permission for your therapist to work with you.
3. Complete the 3-session Couples Relationship Checkup.
4. Set goals that fit your situation.